Hysteroscopy is a procedure that allows a specialist to examine the inside of the cervix and uterus. This is performed using a hysterscope. A light and camera are attached to the hysterscope, and will send images to a TV monitor so that your gynaecologist can view the inside of the uterus. The hysterscope is inserted through the vagina.
Why is a Hysteroscopy performed?
- To evaluate abnormal Pap test results
- To examine or asses scarring, fibroids or polyps in the uterus
- To assess abnormal uterine bleeding
- To diagnose causes of infertility
- To find/remove displaced IUDs (Intrauterine devices)
- To obtain tissue samples (biopsy)
- To remove endometrial lining
What is the preparation for a Hysteroscopy?
Please remain nil per mouth 6 hours prior to your appointment time. Inform your specialist of all prescription and non-prescription medication you are taking, as well as any allergies you may have. Unless otherwise instructed, continue taking any regularly prescribed medication. You may be told to stop taking blood-thinning medications or other medication that affects blood clotting. Please inform your specialist if you have a history of bleeding disorders.
How is a Hysteroscopy performed?
A Hysteroscopy is performed in a full equipped examination room. There will be the specialist, anaesthetist and two registered nurses in the room with you. You will be asked to change into a patient gown and then to position yourself on the examination table with your legs in stirrups. You will be under deep sedation for this procedure. The specialist will carefully insert the hysteroscope into the vagina, passing through the cervix and into the uterus. They may introduce a fluid or gas via the hysteroscope to enhance visualization by expanding the uterine cavity. Your provider will then conduct an examination of the uterine wall to identify any potential issues or abnormalities. Surgical tools may be inserted through the hysterscope to retrieve tissue or other samples. The specialist will also take photographs. The procedure generally takes about 15 minutes. Mild to moderate cramping or discomfort during the procedure is common.
What happens after a Hysteroscopy?
After your hysteroscopy you will be wheeled into the recovery room where you will rest to allow the sedation to wear off. You will be in the department for at least one hour after the procedure. When you are awake your specialist will discuss your examination results with you and a written summary will be given to you for your reference. A copy of your report will be sent to your GP.
Because you have received sedation, you must have someone to take you home after the test and stay with you, as you will be drowsy and unable to drive or operate heavy machinery for 12 hours. The sedative may also affect your ability to recollect details about your procedure. Sedation should wear off in a few hours. You should stay off work the day of your procedure but can resume normal activities the following day.
What Samples may be taken during a Hysteroscopy?
During a hysteroscopy, your specialist may:
· Take a tissue sample (biopsy)
· Remove polyps or fibroid tumors
· Find and remove a displaced IUD
· Remove endometrial lining
You may be asked to make a follow up appointment with your specialist to discuss your results. The results will also be sent to your GP (may take up to 30 working days).
What are the risks associated with a Hysteroscopy?
Complications are rare but may include:
- Uterine bleeding
- Pelvic inflammatory disease
- Damage to the cervix or uterus (very rare)
- Complications from fluid or gas used to expand the uterus