Our Team

Dr Ritesh Patel
Dr Ritesh Patel is a New Zealand trained General and Upper Gastro-Intestinal/Pancreas Surgeon. He completed his undergraduate medical degree from The University of Otago. He undertook core Specialist General Surgical training throughout New Zealand before embarking on sub-speciality Fellowships in Upper Gastrointestinal and Hepatobiliary surgery at St. Vincent’s hospital in Sydney as well as Monash Health in Melbourne. He also completed a year of Fellowship in Upper GI Surgical Oncology at the renowned Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre in Melbourne.
Dr. Patel’s interest lies in the management of benign and malignant Upper GI and Pancreatic pathologies, Interventional Endoscopy and Bariatric Surgery. He also has a passion for teaching and is actively involved in formal teaching with The Royal Australasian College of Surgeon as well as informal education of medical students, surgical junior doctors and nursing colleagues.
Dr. Patel prides himself on clear, comprehensive communication with patients and whanau. He continuously ensures that patients receive the highest standard of care while providing a compassionate and patient-centred approach. Dr Patel is fluent in English, Hindi, Gurajati and is currently learning Manadrin.
Areas of Expertise
- Surgery for benign and malignant conditions of the oesophagus and stomach
- Minimally invasive and open surgery for gallbladders and hernias
- Comprehensive management of reflux disease including pH monitoring, management of Barrett’s disease and anti reflux surgery
- Repair of Hiatus Hernias and fundoplication surgery
- Bariatric surgery
- Diagnosis and management of benign and malignant pancreatic diseases including IPMN, pancreatic cysts, acute and chronic pancreatitis
- Investigations and management of benign liver disease including liver cysts, infections, Focal nodular hyperplasia, liver adenomas
Current Employment
Consultant Upper GI Surgeon, Tauranga and Whakatane Hospitals, Hauora a Toi Bay of Plenty
Consultant General and Upper GI Surgeon, Grace Hospital, Tauranga
Qualifications and Training
- MBCHB, University of Otago
- Post-graduate Fellow Upper GI/HPB, Monash Health, Melbourne
- Post-graduate Fellow Upper GI Surgical Oncology, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne
- Post-graduate Fellow GI Surgery, St Vincents Hospital, Sydney