Our Team

Dr Miriam Mullard
Areas of expertise:
- Endoscopic Weight Loss and Bariatric Surgery Nutrition
- Weight Management
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- The low FODMAP diet for functional bowel disorders
- Coeliac Disease
- Cardiovascular Health
- Vegan and Vegetarian diets
- MSc Dietetics (King’s College London)
- BSc Hons Human Nutrition (King’s College London)
- BSc Geography and Psychology (Auckland University)
Current Employment:
- Dietetic Manager MacMurray Gastroenterology
- Medical Advisory Panel, Coeliac New Zealand
- Oxford Cognitive Therapy Centre: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
- Monash University low FODMAP and IBS Training for Dietitians
- King’s College London: The low FODMAP diet for functional gastrointestinal disorders
- King’s College London: Low FODMAP update course
- Leeds Metropolitan University: Adult Obesity
- Motivational Interviewing and Behaviour Change Training
- Accredited Optifast Healthcare Professional
Overseas Experience:
- Clinical Dietetic Lead for the Specialist Adult Weight Management Service (Barts and the London NHS Trust).
- Senior Obesity and Bariatric Management Advisor (Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust).
- Owner of Private Dietetic Practice in UK
- NZ Registered Dietitian
- NZ Dietitians Board
- British Dietetic Association
- DNZ Gastroenterology and Bariatric Special Interest Groups
- Coeliac NZ