Our Team

Dr Dinesh Lal
Areas of expertise:
- Endoscopy - therapeutic and interventional, specialising in all aspects of gastroscopy, colonoscopy , ERCP and EUS
- Inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, indeterminate colitis)
- Diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic GIT bleeding and iron deficiency anemia
- Liver diseases including Hepatitis B & C and investigation of liver dysfunction
- Dyspepsia, reflux disease and coeliac disease
- Hepato-pancreato-biliary diseases requiring ERCP
- Endoscopic treatment of bowel polyps
- Bowel cancer screening
- Special interest in endoscopic bariatric therapy (for overweight and obesity) including Orbera balloon, Spatz balloon and Aspire therapy
Current employment:
- Specialist Gastroenterologist and General Physician Middlemore Hospital since 2002
- Trained in New Zealand in Gastroenterology and Hepatology, NZ Liver Transplant Unit and Internal Medicine
Overseas Experience:
- Sydney and Brisbane – Endoscopic Bariatric Therapy
- Montreal, Canada – Endoscopic Ultrasound