Bravo pH Study
Bravo pH monitoring is a catheter-free pH monitoring test for gastro oesophageal reflux disease (GORD). A small pH capsule (about the size of a gel cap) is temporarily attached to the wall of the oesophagus via gastroscopy. The capsule transmits pH data wirelessly for forty-eight hours to a pager-sized receiver worn on your waistband or belt. The data will help your specialist make a diagnosis and treat your symptoms.
What is the preparation for Bravo pH Monitoring?
You should have nothing to eat or drink, including water, for six hours before your procedure.
It is very important you tell your specialist up to five days in advance about any medications you take. If you are taking a proton pump inhibitor (Omeprazole, Losec, Pantoprazole, Somac, Lansoprazole or Solox) then please stop this medication five days before the test.
If you have a known allergy to NICKEL please notify us as we may not be able to proceed.
How is Bravo pH Monitoring performed?
Your specialist will insert the Bravo pH capsule into your oesophagus via a gastroscopy. A gastroscopy is performed in a fully equipped examination room. Your throat will be sprayed with local anaesthetic spray and you will be offered an intravenous sedative. Your specialist will pass the gastroscope through your mouth into the oesophagus where the capsule will be attached. Once the capsule is in position, the capsule is locked in place with little or no discomfort. As soon as the capsule is attached, it begins measuring the pH levels in your oesophagus for forty-eight hours. Most patients consider the test only slightly uncomfortable and many patients fall asleep during the procedure. The procedure generally takes about 30 minutes.
What happens after the Bravo capsule has been attached?
After your gastroscopy you will be wheeled into the recovery room where you will rest to allow the sedation to wear off. You will be in the department for at least one hour after the procedure if you have received intravenous sedation.
When you are awake your specialist will instruct you to press one of the three symptom buttons on the receiver, worn on your waistband or belt, during the study while you are experiencing symptoms. You will also be asked to record periods of eating and sleeping in a log throughout the test. Your specialist will also discuss your examination results with you and a written summary will be given to you for your reference. A copy of your report will also be sent to your GP.
A light snack will be served before you leave MacMurray. You are able to return to your normal diet following discharge.
If you have received sedation you must have someone to take you home after the test and stay with you, as you will be drowsy and unable to drive. The sedative may also affect your ability to recollect details about your procedure. Sedation should wear off in a few hours. You should stay off work the day of your procedure but can resume normal activities the following day.
When the study is complete, 48 hours later, you return the receiver and diary log to the MacMurray Centre. The disposable capsule will spontaneously detach and pass through your digestive system a few days after the test period.
Do not go near an MRI machine for seven days post procedure.
What might Bravo pH Monitoring results show?
The information from your test is analysed by a gastroenterologist and the results are sent through to your GP and/or referring specialist. You will have follow-up with your gastroenterologist to review the results, which we will book on the day of your procedure.