Dr Kamran Rostami

Kamran is well known for his research on coeliac disease and non-coeliac gluten sensitivity. He received his MD degree from Carol Davila University Bucharest. He completed his PhD at the University of Amsterdam by which he defined the seronegative subgroup of coeliac disease and published the initial report on the correlation between serological tests and histological abnormalities in coeliac disease. This later became the inspiration and platform for avoiding-biopsy approach in paediatric guidelines and recently young adults. He undertook his specialist training at Internal Medicine at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands. He continued and accomplished specialist training through the West Midlands Deanery in the UK and has been an attending Physician in the Gastroenterology Division, Department of Internal Medicine in both the UK and later at Palmerston North, New Zealand. His ongoing research interests are on gluten-related disorders and Nutrition therapy in Inflammatory bowel disease as highlighted in his publications: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=rostami+k&sort=date

Areas of expertise:

  • Diagnostic/Therapeutic Gastroscopy and Colonoscopy
  • Non-responsive Coeliac Disease
  • Nutrition therapy in Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Nutrition therapy in other GI conditions (IBS)


  • MD, PhD, FRACP

Current employment:

  • Consultant Gastroenterologist/Endoscopist, MidCentral/Crest specialist centre, Palmerston North


  • Basic Medical training Iasi/Bucharest Romania: MD
  • Research attached to University of Amsterdam: PhD
  • Further Medical Training at Katholiek Universiteit Nijmegen, The Netherlands: Artsexamen
  • Specialist training at University of Groningen, The Netherlands and West Midland, Birmingham UK

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